
Instituto De Enseñanza Secundaria “Virgen Del Puerto”

“Virgen del Puerto School” is a Secondary school located in Plasencia, a small town in the north of Extremadura, west Spain, not far from Portugal. It is about 230 kms away from Madrid (a two-hour and a half drive on a dual carriageway, A5). Also known as “River Jerte Town”, Plasencia excels in the growing of cherries. The blossoming in spring turns the valley countryside into one of the most beautiful ones in Spain.

The age of our students ranges from 11-12 up to 17-18. Most of them live in Plasencia itself but some come from other neighbouring towns. There are about 500 students and 50 teachers in our school.

Apart from ordinary education, we take part in different programmes: ARCE PROGRAMME (Science), LEONARDO PROGRAMME (on-the-job training in other European countries), BILINGUAL PROGRAMME (English) and of course, COMENIUS PROGRAMME.