Our Comenius Project, entitled “Today, Blue Planet, But Tomorrow?” involves eight schools from France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Turkey. It will allow our students and teachers to communicate, learn and work together.
Water is the link between the different countries and cultures and it is also the “vector” that involves students in an active European citizenship process.
This theme is a major issue in our modern world because the quality of life in the future depends on the availability of water which is essential for life.
It enables us to study water from different perspectives, with their own interpretations and even to integrate several topics. Our students will become explorers in order to build and promote friendship throughout Europe: they will go on a “journey” to discover the amazing “Water World” which makes reference to history, science, ecology, economy, civic education, art, sport and leisure; it is a cross-curricular project which involves science, art and foreign languages.
This project will encourage the cross-cultural understanding, cooperation and it will facilitate an exchange of ideas and information involving the students in an active European citizenship process.
The cross-curricular approach imposed by our subject may be a useful exchange to improve the methods and techniques of learning, and of the support materials used in the educational system.
We would like to thank Claudia Radu (Scoala Gimnaziala ”Gheorghe Lazar”, Romania) for starting this project.